Thursday, February 13, 2025


 The most commonly used input signal(s) in control system is 

a)step function

b) ramp or velocity dunction

c) accelerating funtion

d) all of the above

ANS: a

What is the characteristic of a good control system

a)Sensitive to parameter variation

b)insensitive to input commands

c)Neither sensitive to parameter variation nor sensitive to input commands

d)Insensitive to parameters variation but sensitive to input commands


The system described by the equation y=a+bx ,a>  0,b > 0 is




d) Time-Varying


Linear system obeys

a)principle of maximum power transfer

b)reciprocity principal

c)principle of superposition

d)All of these 


A System can be Completely described by a transfer function if it is 

a)Nonlinear and continuous 

b)Linear and time-varying

c)Nonlinear and time-invariant

d)linear and time-invariant 


Compared to continuous time system,the discrete system is

a)more accurate but less stable

b)Less accurate but more stable

c)More accurate and more stable

d)Less accurate and less stable


If a linear time invariant system is excited by true random signal like white noise,the output of the linear system will have which of the following properties ?

a)Output will be a white noise

b)Output will be periodic 

c)Output will not be random

d)Output will be correlated or coloured noise


A function of one or more variables which conveys information on the nature of physical phenimenon is called

a) noise





If the initial conditions for a system are inherently zero,what does it physically mean

a) The system is at rest but stores energy

b)The system is working but does not store energy

c)the system is at rest or no energy is stored in any of its parts

d)The system is working with zero reference input


In a Control system ,the use of negative feedback

a)eliminates the chances of instability

b)increases the reliability

c)reduce the effects of disturbance and noise signal in the forward path 

d)increases the influence of variations of component parameters on the system performance


Monday, December 16, 2024


 Here are the next 25 questions:

Network Theorems and Analysis Techniques (Continued)

 * Thevenin's theorem is used to simplify a circuit to an equivalent circuit consisting of:

 * a) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * b) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * c) Two voltage sources in series

 * d) Two current sources in parallel

 * Norton's theorem is used to simplify a circuit to an equivalent circuit consisting of:

 * a) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * b) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * c) Two voltage sources in series

 * d) Two current sources in parallel

 * Superposition theorem is applicable to:

 * a) Linear circuits only

 * b) Non-linear circuits only

 * c) Both linear and non-linear circuits

 * d) None of the above

 * Maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is transferred to the load when:

 * a) Load resistance is equal to source resistance

 * b) Load resistance is greater than source resistance

 * c) Load resistance is less than source resistance

 * d) Load resistance is zero

 * Millman's theorem is used to find the equivalent:

 * a) Voltage source of parallel voltage sources

 * b) Current source of parallel current sources

 * c) Resistance of series resistors

 * d) Inductance of series inductors

AC Circuit Analysis (Continued)

 * The impedance of a series RL circuit is:

 * a) R + jωL

 * b) R - jωL

 * c) 1/(R + jωL)

 * d) 1/(R - jωL)

 * The impedance of a series RC circuit is:

 * a) R + jωC

 * b) R - jωC

 * c) 1/(R + jωC)

 * d) 1/(R - jωC)

 * The power factor of a circuit with an impedance of 10 + j10 ohms is:

 * a) 0.707

 * b) 0.866

 * c) 1

 * d) 0.5

 * The resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is:

 * a) 1/(LC)

 * b) 1/(2πLC)

 * c) 1/(√LC)

 * d) 1/(2π√LC)

 * The quality factor of a series RLC circuit is a measure of:

 * a) The bandwidth of the circuit

 * b) The phase shift between voltage and current

 * c) The power dissipation in the circuit

 * d) The resonant frequency of the circuit

Three-Phase Circuits

 * A balanced three-phase system consists of:

 * a) Three single-phase systems with a phase difference of 120 degrees

 * b) Two single-phase systems with a phase difference of 90 degrees

 * c) A single-phase system with three different voltage levels

 * d) A single-phase system with three different current levels

 * In a balanced three-phase system, the line voltage is:

 * a) Equal to the phase voltage

 * b) √3 times the phase voltage

 * c) 1/√3 times the phase voltage

 * d) Twice the phase voltage

 * Power in a balanced three-phase system is measured in:

 * a) VA

 * b) VAR

 * c) Watts

 * d) All of the above

 * Power factor in a three-phase system is:

 * a) The ratio of real power to apparent power

 * b) The ratio of reactive power to apparent power

 * c) The ratio of apparent power to real power

 * d) The ratio of reactive power to real power

 * Power factor correction is done to:

 * a) Improve the power factor

 * b) Reduce the power factor

 * c) Increase the apparent power

 * d) Decrease the real power

Magnetic Circuits

 * The SI unit of magnetic flux density is:

 * a) Weber

 * b) Tesla

 * c) Gauss

 * d) Ampere-turn

 * The reluctance of a magnetic circuit is analogous to:

 * a) Resistance in an electric circuit

 * b) Inductance in an electric circuit

 * c) Capacitance in an electric circuit

 * d) Voltage in an electric circuit

 * The magnetic field intensity H is related to the magnetic flux density B by:

 * a) B = μH

 * b) H = μB

 * c) B = H/μ

 * d) H = B/μ

 * The core of a transformer is usually made of:

 * a) Copper

 * b) Aluminum

 * c) Iron

 * d) Carbon

 * The efficiency of a transformer is:

 * a) The ratio of output power to input power

 * b) The ratio of input power to output power

 * c) The ratio of losses to input power

 * d) The ratio of losses to output power



 * What is the SI unit of electrical resistance?

   * a) Ohm

   * b) Volt

   * c) Ampere

   * d) Watt

 * Which of the following is a passive element?

   * a) Transistor

   * b) Diode

   * c) Resistor

   * d) Op-amp

 * Ohm's law states that:

   * a) Current is directly proportional to voltage.

   * b) Voltage is inversely proportional to current.

   * c) Power is directly proportional to voltage squared.

   * d) Power is inversely proportional to current squared.

 * The unit of electrical power is:

   * a) Watt

   * b) Volt

   * c) Ampere

   * d) Coulomb

 * A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is called a:

   * a) Generator

   * b) Motor

   * c) Transformer

   * d) Diode

Circuit Analysis

 * In a series circuit, the current flowing through each component is:

   * a) Different

   * b) Same

   * c) Zero

   * d) Infinite

 * In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each component is:

   * a) Different

   * b) Same

   * c) Zero

   * d) Infinite

 * Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) states that:

   * a) The algebraic sum of currents entering a node is zero.

   * b) The algebraic sum of voltages around a closed loop is zero.

   * c) The voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current through it.

   * d) The power dissipated in a resistor is equal to the square of the current times the resistance.

 * Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) states that:

   * a) The algebraic sum of currents entering a node is zero.

   * b) The algebraic sum of voltages around a closed loop is zero.

   * c) The voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current through it.

   * d) The power dissipated in a resistor is equal to the square of the current times the resistance.

 * The time constant of an RC circuit is:

 * a) RC

 * b) 1/RC

 * c) R/C

 * d) C/R

AC Circuits

 * The phase difference between voltage and current in a purely inductive circuit is:

 * a) 0 degrees

 * b) 45 degrees

 * c) 90 degrees

 * d) 180 degrees

 * The power factor of a purely resistive circuit is:

 * a) 0

 * b) 0.5

 * c) 1

 * d) -1

 * The resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is:

 * a) 1/(LC)

 * b) 1/(2πLC)

 * c) 1/(√LC)

 * d) 1/(2π√LC)

 * The quality factor of a series RLC circuit is a measure of:

 * a) The bandwidth of the circuit

 * b) The phase shift between voltage and current

 * c) The power dissipation in the circuit

 * d) The resonant frequency of the circuit

 * A transformer works on the principle of:

 * a) Mutual induction

 * b) Self-induction

 * c) Electromagnetic induction

 * d) Electrostatic induction

Network Theorems

 * Thevenin's theorem states that any linear network can be replaced by:

 * a) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * b) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * c) Two current sources in parallel

 * d) Two voltage sources in series

 * Norton's theorem states that any linear network can be replaced by:

 * a) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * b) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * c) Two current sources in parallel

 * d) Two voltage sources in series

 * Superposition theorem is applicable to:

 * a) Linear networks only

 * b) Non-linear networks only

 * c) Both linear and non-linear networks

 * d) None of the above

 * Maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is transferred to the load when:

 * a) Load resistance is equal to source resistance

 * b) Load resistance is greater than source resistance

 * c) Load resistance is less than source resistance

 * d) Load resistance is zero

 * Millman's theorem is used to find the equivalent:

 * a) Voltage source of parallel voltage sources

 * b) Current source of parallel current sources

 * c) Resistance of series resistors

 * d) Inductance of series inductors

Transients and Steady State Analysis

 * The time constant of an RL circuit is:

 * a) L/R

 * b) R/L

 * c) RL

 * d) 1/RL

 * In a series RL circuit, the current through the inductor:

 * a) Leads the voltage by 90 degrees

 * b) Lags the voltage by 90 degrees

 * c) Is in phase with the voltage

 * d) Is 180 degrees out of phase with the voltage

 * In a series RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor:

 * a) Leads the current by 90 degrees

 * b) Lags the current by 90 degrees

 * c) Is in phase with the current

 * d) Is 180 degrees out of phase with the current

 * The steady-state response of a circuit is the response that:

 * a) Occurs immediately after the application of an input

 * b) Occurs after a long time, when all transients have died down

 * c) Occurs only for a short duration

 * d) Occurs periodically

 * The transient response of a circuit is the response that:

 * a) Occurs immediately after the application of an input

 * b) Occurs after a long time, when all transients have died down

 * c) Occurs only for a short duration

 * d) Occurs periodically

Network Theorems and Analysis Techniques

 * Thevenin's theorem is used to simplify a circuit to an equivalent circuit consisting of:

 * a) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * b) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * c) Two voltage sources in series

 * d) Two current sources in parallel

 * Norton's theorem is used to simplify a circuit to an equivalent circuit consisting of:

 * a) A single voltage source and a series resistor

 * b) A single current source and a parallel resistor

 * c) Two voltage sources in series

 * d) Two current sources in parallel

 * Superposition theorem is applicable to:

 * a) Linear circuits only

 * b) Non-linear circuits only

 * c) Both linear and non-linear circuits

 * d) None of the above

 * Maximum power transfer theorem states that maximum power is transferred to the load when:

 * a) Load resistance is equal to source resistance

 * b) Load resistance is greater than source resistance

 * c) Load resistance is less than source resistance

 * d) Load resistance is zero

 * Millman's theorem is used to find the equivalent:

 * a) Voltage source of parallel voltage sources

 * b) Current source of parallel current sources

 * c) Resistance of series resistors

 * d) Inductance of series inductors

AC Circuit Analysis

 * The impedance of a series RL circuit is:

 * a) R + jωL

 * b) R - jωL

 * c) 1/(R + jωL)

 * d) 1/(R - jωL)

 * The impedance of a series RC circuit is:

 * a) R + jωC

 * b) R - jωC

 * c) 1/(R + jωC)

 * d) 1/(R - jωC)

 * The power factor of a circuit with an impedance of 10 + j10 ohms is:

 * a) 0.707

 * b) 0.866

 * c) 1

 * d) 0.5

 * The resonant frequency of a series RLC circuit is:

 * a) 1/(LC)

 * b) 1/(2πLC)

 * c) 1/(√LC)

 * d) 1/(2π√LC)



 Here are the last 25 questions to complete the set of 100:

Communication Systems

 * What is the basic communication system model?

 * Transmitter, channel, and receiver.

 * Source, encoder, channel, decoder, and destination.

 * Modulator, demodulator, and channel.

 * Amplifier, filter, and antenna.

 * What is modulation?

 * The process of varying one or more properties of a periodic waveform (carrier signal) with respect to an instantaneous value of a modulating signal.

 * The process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

 * The process of filtering a signal.

 * What is demodulation?

 * The process of recovering the original modulating signal from a modulated carrier.

 * The process of converting a digital signal into an analog signal.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

 * The process of filtering a signal.

 * What is bandwidth?

 * The range of frequencies over which a signal is transmitted.

 * The power of a signal.

 * The amplitude of a signal.

 * The phase of a signal.

 * What is noise?

 * Unwanted signals that interfere with the desired signal.

 * A periodic signal.

 * A constant signal.

 * A sinusoidal signal.

Electromagnetic Theory

 * What is Maxwell's equations?

 * A set of equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

 * A set of equations that describe the behavior of gravitational fields.

 * A set of equations that describe the behavior of sound waves.

 * A set of equations that describe the behavior of heat transfer.

 * What is electromagnetic radiation?

 * Energy radiated in the form of electromagnetic waves.

 * Energy radiated in the form of sound waves.

 * Energy radiated in the form of heat.

 * Energy radiated in the form of gravitational waves.

 * What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

 * Approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second.

 * Approximately 3 x 10^6 meters per second.

 * Approximately 3 x 10^4 meters per second.

 * Approximately 3 x 10^2 meters per second.

 * What is polarization of light?

 * The orientation of the electric field vector in an electromagnetic wave.

 * The orientation of the magnetic field vector in an electromagnetic wave.

 * The frequency of an electromagnetic wave.

 * The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave.

 * What is diffraction?

 * The bending of waves around obstacles.

 * The bending of light rays when they pass from one medium to another.

 * The scattering of light by particles.

 * The interference of light waves.

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

 * What is a microprocessor?

 * A programmable integrated circuit that performs arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output operations.

 * A device that stores data.

 * A device that amplifies signals.

 * A device that filters signals.

 * What is a microcontroller?

 * A microprocessor with integrated memory and input/output ports on a single chip.

 * A microprocessor without integrated memory and input/output ports.

 * A device that stores data.

 * A device that amplifies signals.

 * What is an assembly language?

 * A low-level programming language that uses mnemonics to represent machine instructions.

 * A high-level programming language that uses English-like syntax.

 * A programming language that uses mathematical formulas.

 * A programming language that uses graphical symbols.

 * What is a compiler?

 * A software program that translates high-level language code into machine code.

 * A software program that executes machine code.

 * A software program that debugs code.

 * A software program that writes code.

 * What is an interpreter?

 * A software program that executes high-level language code line by line.

 * A software program that translates high-level language code into machine code.

 * A software program that debugs code.

 * A software program that writes code.

Signal Processing

 * What is a signal?

 * Any physical quantity that conveys information.

 * A constant value.

 * A periodic function.

 * A random function.

 * What is signal conditioning?

 * The process of modifying a signal to make it suitable for further processing.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

 * The process of filtering a signal.

 * The process of modulating a signal.

 * What is filtering?

 * The process of removing unwanted frequency components from a signal.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

 * The process of modulating a signal.

 * The process of demodulating a signal.

 * What is sampling?

 * The process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal.

 * The process of converting a digital signal into an analog signal.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

 * The process of filtering a signal.

 * What is quantization?

 * The process of assigning a discrete value to a continuous range of values.

 * The process of converting an analog signal into a digital signal.

 * The process of converting a digital signal into an analog signal.

 * The process of amplifying a signal.

Electrical Machines II

 * What is a stepper motor?

 * A synchronous motor that rotates in discrete steps.

 * A DC motor that rotates continuously.

 * An AC motor that rotates continuously.

 * A motor that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

 * What is a servo motor?

 * A motor that can be precisely controlled to move to a specific position.

 * A motor that rotates continuously.

 * A motor that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

 * A motor that amplifies signals.

 * What is a brushless DC motor?

 * A DC motor that uses electronic commutation instead of mechanical brushes.

 * A DC motor that uses mechanical brushes.

 * An AC motor that uses electronic commutation.

 * An AC motor that uses mechanical brushes.

 * What is a single-phase induction motor?

 * An induction motor that uses a single-phase AC supply.

 * An induction motor that uses a three-phase AC supply.

 * A DC motor that uses a single-phase DC supply.

 * A DC motor that uses a three-phase DC supply.

 * What is a three-phase induction motor?

 * An induction motor that uses a three-phase AC supply.

 * An induction motor that uses a single-phase AC supply.

 * A DC motor that uses a three-phase DC supply.

 * A DC motor that uses a single-phase DC supply.



 Power Electronics

 * What is a power diode?

 * a) A diode used for high-power applications.

 * b) A diode used for low-power applications.

 * c) A diode used for switching applications.

 * d) A diode used for rectification applications.

 * What is a thyristor?

 * a) A semiconductor device with three layers.

 * b) A semiconductor device with four layers.

 * c) A semiconductor device with five layers.

 * d) A semiconductor device with six layers.

 * What is a TRIAC?

 * a) A bidirectional thyristor.

 * b) A unidirectional thyristor.

 * c) A thyristor used for high-frequency applications.

 * d) A thyristor used for low-frequency applications.

 * What is a MOSFET?

 * a) A voltage-controlled semiconductor device.

 * b) A current-controlled semiconductor device.

 * c) A device used for amplifying signals.

 * d) A device used for rectifying signals.

Control Systems

 * What is a feedback system?

 * a) A system that uses output to control input.

 * b) A system that uses input to control output.

 * c) A system that does not use any feedback.

 * d) A system that uses both positive and negative feedback.

 * What is a transfer function?

 * a) The ratio of the Laplace transform of the output to the Laplace transform of the input.

 * b) The ratio of the time-domain response to the input.

 * c) The ratio of the frequency-domain response to the input.

 * d) The ratio of the output to the input in the time domain.

 * What is a PID controller?

 * a) A controller that uses proportional, integral, and derivative control actions.

 * b) A controller that uses only proportional control action.

 * c) A controller that uses only integral control action.

 * d) A controller that uses only derivative control action.

 * What is a state-space model?

 * a) A mathematical model that describes the behavior of a system using state variables.

 * b) A mathematical model that describes the behavior of a system using transfer functions.

 * c) A mathematical model that describes the behavior of a system using frequency response.

 * d) A mathematical model that describes the behavior of a system using time-domain response.

 * What is stability in a control system?

 * a) The ability of a system to return to its equilibrium state after a disturbance.

 * b) The ability of a system to amplify signals.

 * c) The ability of a system to filter noise.

 * d) The ability of a system to generate oscillations.

Electrical Machines

 * What is the principle of operation of a DC motor?

 * a) Electromagnetic induction.

 * b) Faraday's law.

 * c) Lenz's law.

 * d) Fleming's left-hand rule.

 * What is the principle of operation of an induction motor?

 * a) Electromagnetic induction.

 * b) Faraday's law.

 * c) Lenz's law.

 * d) Fleming's left-hand rule.

 * What is a synchronous motor?

 * a) A motor that runs at synchronous speed.

 * b) A motor that runs at sub-synchronous speed.

 * c) A motor that runs at super-synchronous speed.

 * d) A motor that can run at any speed.

 * What is a transformer?

 * a) A device that converts AC voltage to DC voltage.

 * b) A device that converts DC voltage to AC voltage.

 * c) A device that changes the voltage level of an AC power supply.

 * d) A device that stores electrical energy.

 * What is the efficiency of a transformer?

 * a) The ratio of output power to input power.

 * b) The ratio of input power to output power.

 * c) The ratio of losses to input power.

 * d) The ratio of losses to output power.

Power Systems

 * What is a power system?

 * A system that generates, transmits, and distributes electrical energy.

 * A system that stores electrical energy.

 * A system that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

 * A system that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

 * What is a power plant?

 * A facility that generates electrical power.

 * A facility that transmits electrical power.

 * A facility that distributes electrical power.

 * A facility that stores electrical energy.

 * What is a transmission line?

 * A conductor that carries electrical power over long distances.

 * A conductor that carries electrical power over short distances.

 * A device that converts AC voltage to DC voltage.

 * A device that converts DC voltage to AC voltage.

 * What is a distribution system?

 * A system that delivers electrical power to consumers.

 * A system that generates electrical power.

 * A system that transmits electrical power.

 * A system that stores electrical energy.

 * What is a fault in a power system?

 * An abnormal condition that interrupts the flow of power.

 * A normal condition in a power system.

 * A condition that improves the efficiency of a power system.

 * A condition that increases the voltage level of a power system.

Renewable Energy

 * What is solar energy?

 * Energy derived from the sun.

 * Energy derived from the wind.

 * Energy derived from water.

 * Energy derived from the earth's heat.

 * What is wind energy?

 * Energy derived from the wind.

 * Energy derived from the sun.

 * Energy derived from water.

 * Energy derived from the earth's heat.

 * What is hydroelectric power?

 * Energy derived from the potential energy of water.

 * Energy derived from the kinetic energy of water.

 * Energy derived from the sun.

 * Energy derived from the wind.

 * What is geothermal energy?

 * Energy derived from the earth's heat.

 * Energy derived from the sun.

 * Energy derived from the wind.

 * Energy derived from water.

 * What is biomass energy?

 * Energy derived from organic matter.

 * Energy derived from the sun.

 * Energy derived from the wind.

 * Energy derived from water.

Electrical Safety

 * What is the purpose of grounding?

 * To provide a low-resistance path for fault currents.

 * To increase the voltage level.

 * To decrease the current flow.

 * To improve the efficiency of electrical systems.

 * What is the purpose of a fuse?

 * To protect electrical circuits from overcurrent.

 * To increase the voltage level.

 * To decrease the current flow.

 * To improve the efficiency of electrical systems.

 * What is the purpose of a circuit breaker?

 * To protect electrical circuits from overcurrent.

 * To increase the voltage level.

 * To decrease the current flow.

 * To improve the efficiency of electrical systems.

 * What is the importance of electrical safety?

 * To prevent accidents and injuries.

 * To improve the efficiency of electrical systems.

 * To increase the voltage level.

 * To decrease the current flow.

 * What are some basic electrical safety tips?

 * Avoid water near electrical outlets.

 * Use electrical appliances with damaged cords.

 * Overload electrical outlets.

 * Ignore electrical shocks.


 Absolutely! H

 * What is the SI unit of electrical resistance?

   * a) Ohm (Ω)

   * b) Volt (V)

   * c) Ampere (A)

   * d) Watt (W)

 * What is the difference between AC and DC?

   * a) AC is constant, DC is alternating

   * b) AC is unidirectional, DC is bidirectional

   * c) AC changes direction periodically, DC flows in one direction

   * d) There is no difference between AC and DC

 * What is an electrical circuit?

   * a) A closed loop that allows the flow of electric current

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A material that conducts electricity

 * What is the purpose of a transformer?

   * a) To convert DC voltage to AC voltage

   * b) To amplify electrical signals

   * c) To change the voltage level of an AC power supply

   * d) To store electrical energy

 * What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator?

   * a) Conductors allow current flow, insulators resist it

   * b) Conductors resist current flow, insulators allow it

   * c) There is no difference between conductors and insulators

   * d) Conductors are solid, insulators are liquid

 * What is an electric motor?

   * a) A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy

   * b) A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

   * c) A device that stores electrical energy

   * d) A device that measures electrical energy

 * What is the difference between a series and a parallel circuit?

   * a) Series circuits have multiple paths for current, parallel circuits have only one

   * b) Parallel circuits have multiple paths for current, series circuits have only one

   * c) There is no difference between series and parallel circuits

   * d) Series circuits have higher voltage, parallel circuits have higher current

 * What is an electrical fuse?

   * a) A safety device that protects against overcurrent

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A device that converts AC to DC

 * What is an electric generator?

   * a) A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

   * b) A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy

   * c) A device that stores electrical energy

   * d) A device that measures electrical energy

 * What is an electrical relay?

   * a) An electromechanical switch that controls a circuit

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A device that converts AC to DC

 * What is an electrical circuit breaker?

   * a) A safety device that protects against overcurrent

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A device that converts AC to DC

 * What is the difference between a capacitor and a battery?

   * a) Capacitors store energy in an electric field, batteries store it chemically

   * b) Batteries store energy in an electric field, capacitors store it chemically

   * c) There is no difference between capacitors and batteries

   * d) Capacitors are larger than batteries

 * What is an electrical inductor?

   * a) A device that stores energy in a magnetic field

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A device that converts AC to DC

 * What is the purpose of a diode?

   * a) To allow current flow in only one direction

   * b) To amplify electrical signals

   * c) To change the voltage level of an AC power supply

   * d) To store electrical energy

 * What is the purpose of a voltage regulator?

   * a) To maintain a constant voltage level

   * b) To amplify electrical signals

   * c) To change the voltage level of an AC power supply

   * d) To store electrical energy

 * What is a superconductor?

   * a) A material that has zero electrical resistance at low temperatures

   * b) A material that generates electricity

   * c) A material that measures electrical energy

   * d) A material that converts AC to DC

 * What is the difference between an AC generator and a DC generator?

   * a) AC generators produce alternating current, DC generators produce direct current

   * b) AC generators produce direct current, DC generators produce alternating current

   * c) There is no difference between AC and DC generators

   * d) AC generators are larger than DC generators

 * What is the function of a transformer?

   * a) To change the voltage level of an AC power supply

   * b) To amplify electrical signals

   * c) To convert DC voltage to AC voltage

   * d) To store electrical energy

Electrical Circuits

 * What is a circuit?

   * a) A closed loop that allows the flow of electric current

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A material that conducts electricity

 * What is the difference between AC and DC current?

   * a) AC changes direction periodically, DC flows in one direction

   * b) AC is constant, DC is alternating

   * c) AC is unidirectional, DC is bidirectional

   * d) There is no difference between AC and DC current

 * What is a semiconductor?

   * a) A material with electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator

   * b) A material that generates electricity

   * c) A material that measures electrical energy

   * d) A material that converts AC to DC

 * What is an amplifier?

   * a) A device that increases the amplitude of an electrical signal

   * b) A device that generates electricity

   * c) A device that measures electrical energy

   * d) A device that converts AC to DC

 * Which material is commonly used for the core of an electromagnet?

   * a) Iron

   * b) Copper

   * c) Aluminum

   * d) Gold

 * Which type of motor is most commonly used in industrial applications?

   * a) DC motor

   * b) AC motor

   * c) Stepper motor

   * d) Servo motor

 * What is the purpose of a diode in an electrical circuit?

   * a) To allow current flow in only one direction

   * b) To amplify electrical signals

   * c) To change the voltage level of an AC power supply

   * d) To store electrical energy

 * Which law describes the relationship between the current flowing through a conductor and the voltage across it?

   * a) Ohm's law

   * b) Kirchhoff's law

   * c) Faraday's law

   * d) Lenz's law

 * What is the unit of electrical power?

   * a) Watt (W)

   * b) Volt (V)

   * c) Ampere (A)

   * d) Ohm (Ω)

 * What is the formula for calculating electrical power?

   * a) P = VI

   * b) P = V/I

   * c) P = I^2R

   * d) P = V^2/R

 * What is the difference between RMS and peak voltage?

   * a) RMS voltage is the average voltage, peak voltage is the maximum voltage

   * b) Peak voltage is the average voltage, RMS voltage is the maximum voltage

   * c) There is no difference between RMS and peak voltage

   * d) RMS voltage is used for DC, peak voltage is used for AC

 * What is the power factor of a circuit?

   * a) The ratio of real power to apparent power

   * b) The ratio of reactive power to apparent power

   * c) The ratio of apparent power to real power

   * d) The ratio of reactive power to real power

Power Systems

 * What is the primary source of electrical power in most countries?

   * a) Solar power

   * b) Wind power

   * c) Hydropower

   * d) Fossil fuels

 * What is the main component of a power transmission system?

   * a) Transformers

   * b) Generators

   * c) Motors

   * d) Capacitors

 * What is the purpose of a transmission line?

   * a) To transmit electrical power over long distances

   * b) To distribute electrical power to homes and businesses

   * c) To generate electrical power

   * d) To store electrical energy

 * What is the difference between a step-up and a step-down transformer?

   * a) Step-up transformers increase voltage, step-down transformers decrease voltage

   * b) Step-down transformers increase voltage, step-up transformers decrease voltage

   * c) There is no difference between step-up and step-down transformers

   * d) Step


Friday, December 29, 2023


1. An electron device means the device in which the conduction of electrons takes place through
(a) a gas.
(b) vacuum.
(c) a semiconductor.
(d) a gas, semiconductor or vacuum.

2. Which one of the following is used as an active device in electronic
circuits ?
(a) Transformer. 
(b) Electric heater.
(c) SCR
(d) Loudspeaker.

4. The colour code of a 1 k resistance is
(a) black, brown, red.
(b) red, brown, brown. 
(c) brown, black, red.
(d) black, black, red.

5. Neutralizing capacitors are normally used in
(a) Audio amplifiers.
(b)Video amplifiers.
(c) RF and IF amplifiers.
(d)Operational amplifiers.

6. Which one of the following has the ability to act as an open circuit
for de and a short circuit for ac of high frequency.
(a) An inductor.
(c) A resistor.
(b) A capacitor.
(d) None of the above.

7. A device having characteristics very close to that of an ideal
voltage source is
(a) vacuum diode.
(c) transistor.
(b) zener diode.
(d) FET.

8. The maximum number of electrons which the valence shall of an
atom can have is
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 18
 (d) 2

According to free electron theory, electrons in a metal are subjected
(a) constant potential.
(b) sinusoidal potential.
(e) square-wave potential 
(d) non-periodic potential.

1.Electronics is that branch of engineering which deals with the application of?

... Answer is A)